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Meet The Iconic 4000 Big Wheel Fleet

The Ingersoll 4016 is arguably the most popular 4000 Series machine. It is the lowest horsepower model in the 4000 series. Though a 4014 with a single cylinder Kohler Magnum made a brief appearance. The 4016 was the lowest priced 4000 so that played a big part in its popularity as it may have fit in more budgets of buyers who "HAD TO HAVE a big wheel model no matter what they had to do to find the funds. Plenty capable of any task or attachments Case Ingersoll or others brands made, the 4016 could get the job done. Like the 3000 models, the early 4000s had the big Onans in them, to begin with, and then switched to the Briggs Vanguards and the 4016 was no different as both its Onan and Briggs power plants were 16 horsepower respectably. The 4016 is an excellent choice for mowing large yards and home snow removal duties as it's a great all-around machine.

The Ingersoll 4018 was the spitting image of its little brother the 4016 but with 2 horsepower more, it also saw both the Onan and Briggs take over under its hood. Being the "middle child it was often overlooked or passed by as it was out of the price range for some and for those with deeper pockets they wanted the big brother 4020. The 4018 was no slouch though and excelled with the extra power when it came to being put into hard work and was not bothered being pushed to do harder tasks such as massive snow removal, spreading gravel with a 54-inch blade, or mowing a field that has not been touched in months!

Big wheels and Big power! The 4020 was what many of the competition only dreamed of being able to hold a candle to. The 4020 was powered only by the torque monster, a massive 48 cubic inch, 2-cylinder opposing twin cylinder ONAN Performer P220, 20 horsepower engine. There was not much that the 4020 could not do and that's the truth, it was capable of work that tractors in a class or 2 above were doing. The 4020 never said "NO". If you wanted a machine that would make short time out of big jobs and put a smile on the operator's face then the 4020 and its variants were the top choices that never let down. Though yes only 4 horsepower more than the 4016 which equated to 25% more power!